Nisa Ramadani

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    Manusia Silver: Sebuah Pengantar was the final presentation of the workshop entitled Body Journey, curated by Iwan Wijono. This focus group discussion (FGD) as happening art was held on 7 Desember 2021 at Cemeti – Institute for Art and Society. The recorded audio of FGD was installed in Body Journey — 100 Years Joseph Beuys exhibition on 5-11 Desember 2021 at Cemeti – Institute for Art and Society, with other artworks from other participants.
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    Involved as an actor at Indonesia Dramatic Reading Festival (IDRF): Asian Playwrights Meeting – States of Crisis, reading Mautopia as one of the scripts presented in that event. IDRF 2019 involved scriptwriters from Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. The Mautopia script is written by Ridhwan Saidi, an independent filmmaker and writer from Malaysia.