Nisa Ramadani


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    Gelar Pantomim Taman Budaya Yogyakarta" carries the grand theme, "Pantomim dan Api Gagasan." New ideas from the younger generation will enliven pantomime performances, both in its form and content. From this young generation, the Fire of Ideas will continue to flare. It becomes the spirit to create new works and plan future agendas.
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    Presented as a part of OPENLAB X CABARET CHAIRIL event, held on Saturday, 19 February 2022 at Teater Garasi/Garasi Performance Institute. The Brief History of Dance was directed by Andreas Ari Dwianto (Inyong). This work-in-progress involved 6 actors: Erythrina Baskoro, Irfan Hakim, Michael Eduard Gaja Seto, Nisa Ramadani, Putri Lestari, and Wijil Rachmadhani.
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    Involved as an actor at Indonesia Dramatic Reading Festival (IDRF): Asian Playwrights Meeting – States of Crisis, reading Mautopia as one of the scripts presented in that event. IDRF 2019 involved scriptwriters from Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. The Mautopia script is written by Ridhwan Saidi, an independent filmmaker and writer from Malaysia.